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Written by: Teresa Tomalska, MD, Health Sciences Advisory Board
Nature holds many secrets, and scientists have been working for years and years to discover them. Some scientific discoveries are exciting only to a small group of devoted scientists, but some discoveries change the world. Some discoveries lead to better technology, or they can even benefit the wellbeing of humanity. Transfer factors are a discovery that has changed the world.
In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence, an American immunologist, discovered that immunity could be transferred from one individual to another via small molecules he called transfer factors. At the time, transfer factors were extracted from human white blood cells, an approach that was expensive and impractical. Much later, research showed that transfer factors produced by other mammals were similar to those created by the human body. Scientists also discovered that the first milk of mammals (colostrum) contained many important immune system molecules, including transfer factors.
In 1997, David Lisonbee, the founder of 4Life Research, discovered a patent for extracting transfer factors from cow colostrum, and he immediately wanted to know more. Later, David licensed the patent and 4Life brought the first transfer factor supplement, 4Life Transfer Factor Classic, to market.
There is one more valuable source of transfer factors we use at 4Life: chicken egg yolk. 4Life also has a patent for the process of extracting transfer factors from chicken egg yolk (U.S. Patent 6,468,534). Cow colostrum and chicken egg yolk are two widely available sources of transfer factors that allow for the mass production of transfer factor supplements.
The discovery of transfer factors and their presence in these two sources was a major scientific advancement and has provided an important means of promoting wellbeing worldwide. Here is an overview of how transfer factors work to support your health.
Transfer factors are quite different from vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients your body uses to carry out many important functions, such as the conversion of food into energy (metabolism). Herbs contain phytonutrients, natural compounds found in plant foods that act in a variety of ways to support optimal body function. Transfer factors are not classified as nutrients; they are messenger molecules that contain important immune system information that can be relayed to immune cells throughout your body.*
Transfer factors are very small molecules that your immune system generates. They are not species-specific, which means that transfer factors generated by cows, chickens, and other animals can benefit the human immune system.*
Transfer factors in supplements are most commonly sourced from cow colostrum. The cow colostrum is filtered to remove ingredients such as casein and other large proteins, which allows for a high concentration of transfer factor molecules in the supplement.
Transfer factors support immune system health in three main ways: recognize, respond, and remember.*
Typical immune system products are simply boosters, enhancing immune system function only. When you buy transfer factor products from 4Life, though, you get products that optimize your immune system response.* What does this mean?
The human immune system is diverse and complex and has over 200 subtypes of cells, proteins, and mediators. Ideally, all components will work in a balanced way and perform their tasks. In reality, though, immune system balance can be disrupted by stress, poor diet choices, and even pollution.
You can get your daily dose of transfer factors from many 4Life products.* To learn more about 4Life Transfer Factor products, click the links below:
Q: If transfer factors come from colostrum, why not just take colostrum?
A: The concentration of transfer factors is much higher in 4Life Transfer Factor products. You would have to consume a large amount of colostrum to get the same health benefits offered by 4Life Transfer Factor products.*
Q: Should I still take 4Life Transfer Factor products if I feel well?
A: A robust immune system helps support cell function in many ways and is essential for optimal health, whether or not you’re sick. 4Life Transfer Factors help maintain a robust and resilient immune system.
Q: Is there any research on transfer factors?
A: Yes! 4Life has conducted plenty of studies on 4Life Transfer Factor and arranged some third-party studies as well.* Check them out here.
Q: I would like to discuss 4Life Transfer Factor supplements with my health provider. Is 4life Transfer Factor included in the Prescribers' Desk Reference (PDR)?
A: Yes, visit the PDR website for more details.
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